2016 Applicant – Mitchell Ault
2016 Apllicant – Robert A. Klingler Co., L.P.A. Ohio Problem-Solving Scholarship
Mitchell Ault – Ada, Ohio
Change is a part of everyday life, but positive change is something we should all strive to achieve. There are countless aspects of life that could be positively changed, but this is often a difficult task. If I could make a positive change, I would want to instill into the others the characteristic of true compassion and understanding. If people possessed this quality, there is no limit to what could be accomplished.
With time and patience, people can better relate to one another and gain a mutual understanding and respect for what each individual feels, thinks, believes, and must face. Being able to relate to others begins simply by making the effort to enter into the interaction with an open mind and an understanding heart. This simple idea could change situations on all levels of our existence. Locally, it could eliminate fights, bullying, and violence, but on a broader spectrum, it could prevent genocide, wars, and countless deaths.
At first glance, my suggestion for change may appear too simple to be a real possibility, but I believe it could happen if others were willing to genuinely attempt the change. Our busy, fast paced society of today doesn’t allow for a natural patience and investment of time needed for such a change to occur. This is where we must each make a conscious decision to stop, listen, and truly attempt to understand those differing from us and our thoughts/beliefs.
It is not realistic to believe that we will ever all exist in complete harmony, and without adversity and controversy, but I hope for such a time. Even on a small scale, making such a positive change in attitude can and would have a ripple effect in one’s life. It starts with one life and spreads to others who, too, are willing to attempt the positive change.
Changes can be either positive or negative, but they are definitely inevitable. Making the decision to attempt positive change is something I feel strongly about and believe to be completely possible. If we all commit to attempting this change, the effect on others would be immeasurable and personally rewarding, too.
Thank you to all of our applicants. Please check out the annual Robert A. Klingler Co., L.P.A. Ohio Problem-Solving Scholarship for current opportunities.