Employment Law Information Center
Employees have a right to privacy in certain aspects of the workplace. An employer generally may not search an employee’s handbag, briefcase, locked desk drawer, locked storage locker, or person without permission from the employee. Likewise, an employee has some privacy in their private telephone conversations and voicemail messages at work, but does not have a strong right to privacy in their e-mail messages and Internet use. If you feel like your right to privacy has been violated by your employer, contact an experienced employment law attorney today.
Employment Law Information Center
At Robert A. Klingler Co., L.P.A., we devote a significant portion of our practice to the representation of employees in disputes with their employers. We welcome inquiries from employees in any industry or employment setting, but we focus particularly on the concerns of executive and professional employees. We evaluate employment contracts, severance packages, non-compete agreements, and more. From negotiating contracts to handling employment discrimination claims of sexual harassment, race discrimination, age discrimination, and cases of wrongful discharge, we have experience handling virtually every type of employment law issue you may encounter.
Employment Law, Employee – An Overview
Employment law covers the relationships between employers and their employees, as well as their potential employees and former employees. Both federal and state laws control various aspects of the employer-employee relationship, and each side’s rights and obligations. Because of the complexity of the employment relationship, this area of law involves issues as diverse as discrimination claims and record-keeping, taxation and workplace safety.
There are also different types of employment relationships. Employment relationships can be based on a contract, or they can be “at-will.” If the employment relationship is based on a valid contract entered into by the employer and the employee, the terms of that contract will govern the relationship. By contrast, an at-will employment arrangement can be terminated at any time, with or without reason, by either the employer (as long as the reason does not constitute illegal discrimination) or the employee.
With all these factors to consider, it is clear why employment law is such a complex area. If you have an employment law concern, contact an experienced employment law attorney who can provide sound advice and skilled representation in a range of workplace-related matters.
Independent Contractors
Independent contractors perform compensated work for businesses and individuals, but they are not considered to be employees. This non-employment relationship is based on an oral or written agreement between the business and the independent contractor. This contract may provide specific standards for the work product and establish the pay rate for that work. Businesses that hire independent contractors generally do not withhold federal or state income taxes or Social Security taxes from payments to independent contractors, and they do not maintain unemployment or workers’ compensation insurance for those workers. Most independent contractors, therefore, need to make their own quarterly tax payments.
Independent contractors are usually paid by the project, rather than by the hour. Independent contractors have a higher degree of control over the way they work, and they have the ability to contract with a range of businesses. They do not, however, receive many of the legal protections that employees enjoy. If you are a business or a worker involved in or considering an independent contractor arrangement, you should learn the legal consequences. Contact an experienced employment law attorney to discuss your situation.
Privacy Issues at Work
Technology is a boon to business, but it also raises complicated issues of privacy in the workplace. The vast majority of businesses use computers, and technology has enabled employers to monitor nearly every aspect of workplace communications involving employees’ computer and telephone usage. Indeed, many companies take advantage of technology to monitor their employees’ use of the Internet and e-mail. When an employee has a reasonable expectation of privacy, however, such as with a physical space like a locked office, the employee may receive privacy protection. Drug testing by an employer, on the other hand, when the testing is reasonable and not a highly offensive intrusion, is usually acceptable. To help you determine what is and is not private in the workplace, contact an employment lawyer to discuss the validity of your company’s privacy policies and procedures.
Unions exist for the sole purpose of representing the interests of workers, especially in collective bargaining with employers. Collective bargaining is the process of negotiation between the employer and the labor union representatives to determine the key conditions of employment. The result of these efforts is the collective bargaining agreement. This collective bargaining agreement is a contract that is the starting place for resolving conflicts between the employer and its employees. Collective bargaining and union organization is governed by the federal National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). If you are organizing a workplace or engaging in collective bargaining from either side of the table, contact a labor lawyer for experienced counsel on union issues.
The Hiring Process
Applicants for employment positions have rights whether or not they become employees. Under federal law, it is illegal for an employer to discriminate in its hiring process based on race, national origin, gender, pregnancy, age, disability or religion. State and local laws may specify additional protected classes based on categories such as sexual orientation. Employers must abide by anti-discrimination laws at each stage of the hiring process, from placing the ad to interviewing and the final selection of the candidate. There are few exceptions to these rules, but an employer may discriminate on some bases if a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) exists. A BFOQ can be based on a reasonable and necessary job requirement, but this is a narrow exception. If you are concerned about discrimination in hiring, contact an employment lawyer to discuss your situation.
Employment Law, Employee Resource Links
United States Department of Labor
This Web site is for the United States Department of Labor, which provides information for workers, employers and unions.
Wage and Hour Division
This page contains information regarding enforcement of federal labor laws, including minimum wage, child labor and overtime standards set out under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA).
Contact us to learn more about our employment law and employment litigation services.

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With over 30 years of experience, our firm combines seasoned judgment with sophisticated legal analysis. We seek practical, common-sense solutions and are fully prepared to take cases to trial when it’s the best path to achieving our clients’ goals.
We don’t just take on cases—we become partners with our clients. This partnership means we work closely with you, keeping you informed and involved in every step of the process, so that we can pursue the outcome that best aligns with your goals.
By carefully choosing the cases we accept, we can give every client our undivided focus, crafting a strong legal strategy tailored to your unique story and goals. When you work with us, you know your case is a priority.
Our firm has a strong reputation in Cincinnati for its skillful handling of complex employment and business disputes. We’re proud to be trusted by clients and respected in the community for our integrity and dedication.